An appalling incident took place in shahjhanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. A man ferociously beat his wife and then tied her to the ceiling of the fan because her parents couldn’t satisfy the dowry demands made by him. He then, made a video of the incident and sent it to the in-laws so that they would be threatened and eventually agree to arrange the dowry demands.
An Fir was registered against the husband under IPC section 323 , 504,498A , voluntarily causing hurting, criminal intimidation, husband subjecting her to cruelty and also ¾ dowry prohibition act.
Ruchi shukla is a 32 years old lady,she was married to Ashok Shukla three years back. She gave birth to a baby boy eight months back where here husband had to spend 40,000 rupees as the delivery charges for the operation. He later asked his in laws to give back the money and more dowry demands and thereafter his relation with his wife deteriorated .
Ashok was drunk before the brutal beating incident happened.
Ruchi was brought back to home, after the FIR was registered.
“My daughter is extremely sacred after that day, she still has sleepless nights and is mentally unstable , we want strick action to be taken against that man” said, Ruchi’s Father.