Manipur and Gujarat jolt with two medium intensity earthquakes
Manipur and Gujarat jolt with two medium intensity earthquakes

Friday, two minor intensity earthquake measured in 2 states of the nation, the Richter Scale measured 4.9 intensity rocked Manipur while another 3 hit measured in Gujarat.

As per National Centre for Seismology report, “the first quake measuring 4.9 occurred at 1.24 PM with its epicentre at Chandel in Manipur at a depth of 60 kms. The second one, measuring 3.3, struck at 5.26 PM at Senapati at a depth of 10 kms”.

The report also said, “another medium intensity tremor, measuring 3 on the Richter Scale, hit Gujarat at 11:30 PM. The epicenter was in Banas Kantha at the depth of five kilometres.”

However, who loss of property reported neither anybody injured in the natural cause.

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