Manish Sisodia: AAP working towards creating base in Rajasthan
Manish Sisodia: AAP working towards creating base in Rajasthan

Aam Aadmi Party senior leader Manish Sisodia said, AAP is working towards creating a base in Rajasthan where it will field candidates in the next Assembly polls.

Sisodia told reporter yesterday, "The Aam Aadmi Party is preparing the ground for the next Rajasthan Assembly election and I am here for the same. AAP is going to field candidates in the polls”.

Earlier, Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister during an interactive sitting at a private university here, said education now required to be made advanced to produce scientific, entrepreneurial and humanitarian thinking among students. Sisodia, also holds the Education portfolio, said the Delhi government within the next three months is going to set up new schools where students would be trained to inculcate a practical and scientific attitude.

"Zero is the invention of India and is the base of current cyber world but due to lack of entrepreneurial and scientific approach, we are still deprived from getting credit for it," Sisodia said. "We observe birth and death anniversaries of our great personalities without realising their great legacy," he aadded.

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