Hollywood director Kathy praised this actress in an interview
Hollywood director Kathy praised this actress in an interview

Hollywood director Kathy Yan is very famous in the cinema for her special films. Every film of her is different from the league. Because of which the film gets a very good response among the audience. Kathy Yan speaks openly about artists in many interviews. Due to which she is highly appreciated in Hollywood.

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In an interview, director Kathy Yan says that actress-producer Margot Robbie is a really smart, amazing and extremely dedicated woman. Yan has worked with Robbie in 'Birds of Prey'. Robbie Horley plays Quinn in the adaptation of DC Comics.

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In addition, Yan said that "Margot Robbie is a really smart, amazing and very dedicated actress. She played it well by being cast in the character. I think 'Harley' Margot Robbie is on many people's minds. Because of that And for many others, it was interesting to see her further develop the character and work on it. "Warner Bros. Pictures will release the film in India on February 7.

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