Marriage can help you quit drinking,know how ??
Marriage can help you quit drinking,know how ??

Do you really want to get rid of your drinking habit?

Get married.

Yes, you heard it right. Marriage can really help you quit drinking. According to a study conducted over 1,618 female pairs and 807 male pairs which include married, single, divorced and widowed, married people tend to be less alcoholic as compared to single, divorced or widowed. 

Marriage truly and strongly impacts your drinking behavior. It keeps your mind occupied with positive thoughts and feelings whereas single people live a carefree life and drinks more frequently. With marriage comes responsibility and when you get that sense of responsibility, you get less occasion to drink and that is how your drinking habit gradually decreases. Intimate relationships have a bigger impact over alcoholism. In such kind of relationship, couples have a monitoring effect over each other due to which more often help you avoid alcohol. 

In real life also we have seen many examples of people who quit or controlled their drinking habit after marriage. Although it is also true that when such relationship break it certainly pushes a person to drink more. So all the single and alcoholic people get married and maintain a healthy and loving relationship with your partner for a healthy and alcohol-free life. 


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