Meet Balls recipe for non-veg lovers
Meet Balls recipe for non-veg lovers

For those who love chicken and mutton and are on dieting, today we will teach chicken meatballs.


Grinded Chicken- 500gm
Onions- ½ cups
Breadcrumbs - ½ cup
Cheese cup Egg-1
Black Pepper Powder- 1
Tablespoon Salt
Butter-1 spoon



Preheat oven to 360 degrees. Melt the butter in a pan and add finely chopped onion and paste garlic and ginger and fry for 4-5 minutes. When the onion becomes brown, turn off the gas and take it out in the bowl. Now in this bowl, add egg whites, breadcrumbs, cheese, salt and black pepper powder and then add chicken in it and mix it with hands. Now, wet your hands and prepare meatballs with it. Put all themeat balls in a plate.

Now grease the baking dish with the butter and then keep the meatballs a little bit away from it. Now bake the meatballs for 20 minutes and then see if it has got completely cooked. When the meatballs are ready, sprinkle tamarind chutney and green coriander.

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