Railways turned out to be the enemy of love; this Picture is giving the Proof!
Railways turned out to be the enemy of love; this Picture is giving the Proof!

Every day something goes viral on social media, sometimes we laugh, sometimes people are stunned and a similar picture has been going viral on social media for a few days and you can see a couple in the picture is going viral. The couple is sitting under a goods train parked on the railway track and the photo was photographed by someone and it went viral on social media.

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The viral picture also reached the Railway Ministry and then tweeted by the ministry warning people that "it is a dangerous and punitive offense. Please never sit under the standing coach. Because the train can run without warning at any time. Cross the railway track correctly. Stay alert, stay safe."

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After the Railway Ministry tweeted, people started laughing at the tweet, and some users took to Twitter to see if anyone in Modi's Raj could love each other. Many users have also written that they are not right for themselves but for such loving couples to plant trees. While one user described the railway as an enemy of love.

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