Drawing of monkey goes viral on the internet
Drawing of monkey goes viral on the internet

Often content shared on social media is amazing to watch. One such video is going viral on social media. You will get ROFL watching the video. In this video, a monkey first looks around unknowingly and does not see anything around. Further thinks, how to use the time

After that, while he was looking out for something, his eyes fall on a piece of chalk. He takes the piece of it with him and uses it in a sequence, to make circular circles. He first tries to make a circle, not satisfied with the same makes another. Again, he is not satisfied with the drawings he created, then unstopping he creates multiple circles. As if he wanted to specialize in making the circle. At one time, the piece of chalk finishes. Thus, this video seems funny to the audience.

This video has been shared by Indian Forest Service officer Sushant Nanda on social media Twitter from his account. In this caption, he wrote - This monkey knows how to pass time in lockdown. By the time this post by Sushant Nanda was shared, about 5000 people watched and 600 people liked it. Now, this video is being shared continuously.

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