Mouth odour- Take this homemade remedies of lemon
Mouth odour- Take this homemade remedies of lemon

Many people are troubled by the problem of bad breath or mouth odour. Even after brushing daily, some people smell the breath. Sometimes people have to be embarrassed even in the absence of breathlessness. Due to bad breath, bacteria that cause bad smell around the tongue have to happen. Today, we are going to tell you about some of the ways that you can get rid of the bad odor of your breath. 

1- The main reason for bad breath is stomach disorder. If you eat fennel after eating regular meals, then it fades away from your breath odor. Fennel also works to keep your mouth fresh while improving your digestive tract. There are plenty of anti-microbial elements in fennel, which work to eliminate the bacteria inside the mouth. If you want to boil a spoonful of fennel in a glass of water, you can also rinse it; this will also remove the deodority coming from your breath. 

2- Take a teaspoon apple vinegar and drink it in a glass of water before eating it every night. Doing so does not bring you bad breath. 

3- By mixing two teaspoon lemon juice in one glass of water, rinse twice a day, the dryness of your mouth ends, and the bacteria also end. Doing this removes the odor from your breath.

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