The trailer of the Telugu film 'Mr. Chandramouli' has been released today. The film trailer is very much liked by the audience and the trailer is coming on the first priority in YouTube. Thiru has directed this dance action thriller movie. In the film, Southstar Kartik is in the lead role and he is sharing the screen with Gautam Karthik, and Varalakshmi Sarathkumar.
According to the reports, in the south Indian cinema industry, the audience are hugely inclined towards Telugu cinema. Only Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have about 2809 theatre screens today. Last week, the South's superstar Mahesh Babu's film, 'Bharat Jaane', has done the business of 100 crores on the second day of its release. Apart from this Ramcharan Teja's film also has a really very good box office collection.
After viewing the trailer of the Telugu film 'Mr. Chandramouli', we can say the film is going to be quite a hit. One can witness a tremendous dance, action, and romance in the film. The film slated to release this year in June-July. On the date May 4, Telugu film 'Na Peru Surya': Na Iloo India ' is slated to release. In addition to this, in June, South's superstar Rajinikanth's most weighted film 'Kala' will be released in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi languages.