Since for Monday morning, many Mumbai University students were unable to download their hall-tickets or fill their exam forms online. The problem occurred due to the website ( was running slow. According to the BMM student, "We had been trying to download the hall tickets since morning as our exams are scheduled to commence from Wednesday. They always upload the hall tickets at the eleventh hour. If we are unable to download by evening today, we will have to get the stamp and signature from the college tomorrow. Instead of studying for the exam, we are wasting our time to get our admit cards,"
Another student pursuing master degree who was also trying to fill the exam form said the server failed several times making it difficult for him to submit the form. A university official said that due to the increase in the traffic of the site the hall tickets of two exams were made available online and the portal was also opened for students to fill the forms for three other exams. "The server has not crashed, it is just slow. We are trying to fix the problem," officials said.