This village of Madhya Pradesh has a unique place of snakes
This village of Madhya Pradesh has a unique place of snakes

There were so many snakes in a village in Madhya Pradesh that they were caught everyday. This village is near the city of Khandwa. Due to the large number of snakes, this village got its name Nagchun. The most surprising thing in Nagchun village is that venomous snakes are seen hanging not only in the fields and streets of this village but also on the bedrooms, kitchens and clothes hangers of the houses. But now, due to more use of chemical fertilizers in the fields ,the number of snakes is decreasing.

Pandit Saurabh Chaure lives with his family in a field spread over sixteen acres in front of Nagchun airstrip. Actually, thousands of poisonious snakes exist in Saurabh's farm and village. These poisonious snakes come into the houses and sit in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and courtyard. Saurabh's family has been living at this place for five-six generations, but nobody has ever suffered any kind. Bhaiyalal Yadav, 80, of this village, has told in this time that any auspicious work or marriage is started by worshiping in the temple of "Nag Devta". Along with this, not only "Nagpanchami" in Nagchun village, but on the fifth day of every month, worship "Nag Devta".

At the same time, according to zoology expert Rajesh Singh, the geographical location of this village is very favorable for snakes. Apart from bamboo trees, this area is a pond, canal, drain and rocky, which is a natural place for snakes to live. This is because in this place snakes get food, safety and hatchery easily.

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