National Fire Service Day: A Day dedicated to brave firefighters
National Fire Service Day: A Day dedicated to brave firefighters

National Fire Service Day in India honours the 71 firefighters who lost their lives in the Bombay Port fire on April 14, 1944. This day is observed by fire brigades, fire departments, businesses, universities, government buildings, NGOs, airports, dockyards, and so on. The day can also be called as  Martyr’s Day because everyone honours the courageous firefighters who died last year. The Indian government honoured courageous firemen on NFS Day

From April 14 to 20, the country observes Fire Service Week to promote fire safety.  On April 14, 1944, the British cargo ship "SS Fort Stikine" caught fire on Bombay's Victoria Dock, killing 71 firemen.

Million-liter barrels of lubricating oil, ammunition, detonators, cotton bales, currency notes, gold, and currencies were all transported by SS Fort Stikine ships. The ship was securely parked in the harbour on April 12, but on April 14, it caught fire and sustained damage from the 1400 tonnes of explosives it contained. After being shattered by two enormous bombs, the ship was completely destroyed by fire and explosion in Victoria Dock. This disaster claimed the lives of 800–1300 people.

Each year, DGFS selects a topic for National Fire Service Day to draw attention to fire safety concerns. Announcing the theme also guarantees international campaign uniformity. "Fire Safety, Productivity" is the DGFS's fire service day theme for this year (Theme for National fire service day)

National Fire Service Day is the symbol of the discipline, courage and dedication of the firefighters as their motto is "Serve to save lives and property". In India, on April 14 of each year, all firefighters and civilians pay tribute to those courageous firefighters who sacrificed their lives in the performance of their duties.

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