National Kissing Day: Every 'Kiss' says something, Know some special features of it...
National Kissing Day: Every 'Kiss' says something, Know some special features of it...

Friends, what day is important in Valentine's Week, but very few people know which Day is celebrated on the 6th of July every year. This time the National Kiss Day is Saturday i.e. today. So let's know what means and its types...

What to do if you do from behind is called Spider kiss, and also if your partner cuts a little bit of excitement while doing what is done, it is called Love Byte.

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What to do when you do on your hand makes you realize that they have great respect for you, and if you both have a nose when you do, it is called Eskimo kiss and it is also the job of sharing the romantic style of the partner. does.

When your partner starts kissing your ears, it will be called Earlobe kiss, which perfectly reflects your partner's belongings.

When it comes to what to do on the forehead now. What a little bit of what a partner does on your forehead shows how much he likes and loves you. Also, if your partner bounces in the air from a distance and catches it, it will be called a Flying kiss.

That's when your partner kisses your lips with all the help, it's called lip kiss.

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