Is yogasana the cure for corona virus?
Is yogasana the cure for corona virus?

Yogasan is considered a panacea for every disease. Coronation can be avoided on the strength of yoga. It is believed that by using yoga the body remains completely healthy. As immunity increases, the respiratory system also becomes stronger. Obviously, there is no question of any kind of infection in a healthy body. The only common solution to avoiding the infection of coronavirus is yoga.

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White blood cell grows

Doing yoga routine regularly, white blood cells increase in the body. Due to these, resistance to disease increases. When the resistance of our body increases that no virus or germ can infect us. This system of fighting the diseases of our body kills it automatically. In this way we can win the battle with Corona just by yoga. Along with this, blood pressure, tension, diabetes, heart disease etc. can be avoided through five pranayama and five asanas. Coronavirus infections are mostly a threat to those people who suffer from the above-mentioned diseases. It does not take long to do these asanas. At least five minutes can be removed in your routine.

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Take care of food

It is best to have pure and fresh food. It is okay to avoid meat. Soy can be taken as an alternative. There is nothing better than vegetarianism in Indian food culture. Use food rich in vitamin-C in food. Lemon, orange, and amla can be used. Make a decoction of basil, giloy and black pepper and take it three to four times a day. This strengthens the immunity of the body. If possible, perform Yajna by mixing cow's ghee, googal, and camphor in incense in the house. Due to its smoke, any kind of bacteria or virus in the house will die.

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