All India motor transport strike: 6th day in progress
All India motor transport strike: 6th day in progress

After the rigorous strike in Maharashtra ended as the government settled on the proposed terms, another economically hurtful strike is in progress, as The All India Motor Transport Congress has stopped all the exports and commute, bringing the entire Indian Textile Corporation to its knee.
The Indian Textile Industry holds a net worth of 130 billion US dollars. 

Today the strike enters it’s 6th day and is affecting the production, billables, employment, and largely our reputation in the international market.

CITI head, Sanjay Jain stated that the strike is so impactful that in just 6 days it has made the textile industries to stop production due to lack of raw materials.

Since there’s no production in the factories, all the daily-wage workers are suffering and the regular workers are being given fewer wages.

Jain also shared his concerns about the export since they are not able to meet the deadlines, and the country is losing crores of rupees to the foreign exchange as a fine.

CITI head has urged the Transport committee and the Government of India to find a solution as early as possible. So that there's no more suffering, and the industries can resume the production.

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