Natural face pack made of pomegranate removes facial scars
Natural face pack made of pomegranate removes facial scars

Pomegranate is very beneficial for our health. There are plenty of vitamins A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, folic acid and many types of antioxidants that are beneficial for health as well as for beauty. You can also use pomegranate as a scrub and face pack. Today we are going to tell you how to improve the beauty of pomegranate. 


Coconut oil- one spoon, sugar - half a spoon, pomegranate powder - 5 teaspoons, cream - two tablespoons 

To make a scrub, first grind half a teaspoon of sugar. Now mix 5 spoons of pomegranate and mix it. Now put the rest of the things in it and mix it well. Take your scrub ready. Wash your face thoroughly with Mild Facial Wash before applying scrub. Now put a pomegranate scrub on your face and massage with a light hand for 10 minutes in your face and neck circular motion. Using this scrub will remove the dead skin in your skin and glow in the face. You can use this scrub three times a week.

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