Decorate your home with these simple tips in Navratri
Decorate your home with these simple tips in Navratri

You all know that this year, Sharadiya Navaratri has started from September 29, in such days people decorate their house and some decorate the house after Navaratri, some before Navratri and some others every day of Navaratri. Today we are going to give you some easy tips so that you can give a new look to your house in no time. For this, remove all the non-essential things that are stored in the house, because they unnecessarily surround the space in the house. 

Flowers and flower garlands - Decorate your home with fresh flowers and flower garlands and you can also bring a traditional pendant for your home. Because they can be made of glass, string, beads and seeps. With this, you can take the design of your choice and you can also hang Rajasthani and Gujarati wall hanging because they are more colourful. With this, buy Bandarwal for home or make it with mango leaves.

Colourful Kalash - You can buy an urn made of clay and adorned with glass and lace to your house and fill it with water and keep it in the temple of the house with the idol of the Goddess and if you want, you can buy two big Kalash for the main gate of the house. With this, place them on both sides of the door and decorate them with mango leaves, coconut and your house will look very beautiful.

Rangoli - It is very auspicious to make a rangoli in Navratri, You can make a rangoli to welcome the Goddess at home and make them sit. By the way, there are ready-made rangoli stickers available in the market these days, but rangoli is considered sacred if made of colours and wood sawdust or coarse grains.

Mother Kushmanda is worshiped on the fourth day of Navratri, know who she is

Worship Maa Kushmanda in this way on the third day of Navratri

Offer flowers to Goddess according to the zodiac in this Navratri, you will be happy

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