Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who has been accused of corruption, has accepted the fact that Pakistani terrorists are the one under Mumbai attack. During an interview, Nawaz Sharif has openly admitted that terrorist organization in his country are working actively. He has also questioned the trial of stabbing in Pakistan's attack.
In an interview, before the rally in Multan on Friday, Nawaz said that you can not run a country when two or three parallel governments are going on. It must stop. There can be only one government, which has been elected through the constitutional process. Nawaz further asked, "the terrorist organizations are active, should we allow them to cross the border and kill 150 people in Mumbai? Let me know."
Nawaz also said, 'Why did not we complete the hearing?', as Pakistan has always denied his role in the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Nawaz said that we have separated ourselves. Despite the sacrifices, nobody accepts our point. The story of Afghanistan was accepted, but not ours. We should take care of this.
Meanwhile, Pakistan has been in the state of war since from the day of partition. Till today, India is not in any type of talking terms with Pakistan.