Veteran actor Rishi and Neetu Kapoor have been in New York for the last few months for Rishi Kapoor’s medical treatment for an unspecified illness. Both actors keep sharing pictures and updates with their fans about their whereabouts. Recently, Nitu took to Instagram to share a picture from their lunch date and more than the photo, it was her caption that caught all the attention.
Netu shared the photo with an adorable caption. The caption reads, "Lunch date, this is what happens after 38 years of marriage husband on the phone and I’m clicking selfies," The picture shows Rishi busy looking at his phone while Neetu captures the moment.
Few days ago, Neetu had left fans confused when she left a cryptic post on her Instagram, besides greeting everyone on New Year. Her post left some of her fans worried as she mentioned her wish that 'Cancer should only be a zodiac sign'. Soon after this post, her followers started to pick hints if she was talking about her ailing husband Rishi.
The veterean actress is also believed to be extremely fond of her son Ranbir Kapoor's rumoured girlfriend Alia Bhatt .Neetu and Alia's banter on Instagram says a lot about the relationship the two share.