WhatsApp users are being warned about a growing scam where criminals pose as friends or family members to steal access to accounts. The scam involves tricking victims into sharing their WhatsApp security code, which allows the scammers to take over the account.
According to Action Fraud, the UK’s national cybercrime and fraud reporting center, scammers gain access to a WhatsApp account that lists the victim as a contact. They then impersonate that account and initiate what appears to be a normal conversation.
The scam typically unfolds as follows: the scammer attempts to log in to WhatsApp using the victim's mobile number and requests the security code sent to the user. Claiming the code was sent by mistake, they ask the victim to share it with them. Once the scammer has the code, they can take control of the victim’s WhatsApp account and lock them out.
With control over the account, the scammer can then target the victim's contacts, further spreading the scam and committing additional fraud.
To protect against this scam, Action Fraud recommends enabling two-step verification on your WhatsApp account. Here’s how to set it up:
Additionally, here are some tips to avoid falling victim to this scam:
WhatsApp has issued a warning about this scam and urges users to be cautious of any unexpected messages or requests.
In a recent case, an elderly man in Malabar Hill, Mumbai, was defrauded of over Rs.2 crore by scammers posing as law enforcement officers. The man, who unknowingly shared his location and liquidated his savings, did not realize he was being scammed until it was too late.
Be vigilant and follow these steps to safeguard your WhatsApp account from falling into the hands of scammers.
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