New York Inmates Sue for Right to Watch Solar Eclipse During Prison Lockdown
New York Inmates Sue for Right to Watch Solar Eclipse During Prison Lockdown

The lawsuit filed by inmates in New York against the state corrections department revolves around the decision to lock down prisons during the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8. The inmates argue that the lockdown infringes upon their constitutional rights to practice their faiths by preventing them from participating in a religiously significant event.

The plaintiffs, consisting of individuals with various religious backgrounds including Baptist, Muslim, Seventh-Day Adventist, practitioners of Santeria, and an atheist, are incarcerated at the Woodbourne Correctional Facility. They assert that the solar eclipse holds religious significance across different faiths, citing biblical and Islamic references.

While one atheist plaintiff initially received permission to view the eclipse with state-provided glasses, subsequent requests from other plaintiffs were denied by officials who claimed the eclipse was not a holy day for their respective religions. The inmates argue that the lockdown restricts their ability to gather, celebrate, worship, and pray during this rare celestial event.

The corrections department spokesperson stated that all requests for religious accommodations are considered, including those related to viewing the eclipse. However, the department's acting commissioner announced a system-wide lockdown during the eclipse, with inmates remaining in their housing units except for emergencies between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Despite plans to distribute solar eclipse safety glasses to staff and inmates in prisons along the eclipse's path, visitation will be suspended at certain facilities, and normal outdoor recreation hours will be disrupted. The total eclipse is expected to be visible in western and northern parts of New York around 3:15 p.m., lasting only a few minutes as the moon passes between the Earth and the sun.

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