No deal reached between EU and Russia on the oil embargo
No deal reached between EU and Russia on the oil embargo

BRUSSELS Foreign Ministers from the European Union (EU) failed to achieve an agreement on a sixth package of sanctions against Russia, which includes a contentious oil embargo.

Following the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels on Monday, Josep Borrell, the bloc's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, informed a press conference that unanimity on the subject had not been reached. The European Union, on the other hand, will maintain sanctions against Russia "to make the price of its invasion of Ukraine painful for the Kremlin," he said.

According to media reports, the subject will now be presented to the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union.

Borrell also stated that the EU will provide an additional 500 million euros (USD521 million) for arms delivery to Ukraine from the bloc's peace facility. The overall sum of EU support now stands at two billion euros.

On May 4, the European Commission proposed the sixth set of measures. Hungary, meanwhile, which is heavily reliant on Russian oil, is opposing the pact.

It's impossible to say how long it will take to achieve an agreement, said Borrell. "Sanctions are expensive. Sanctions harm the sanctioned party and have unintended consequences for the sanctioner. But one thing is apparent to everyone in the Council: the EU's energy dependent on Russian oil, gas, and coal must stop "he added.

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