No limits of making jokes and laughing as its International Joke Day today
No limits of making jokes and laughing as its International Joke Day today

Sometimes, just a burst of laughter blows away all your sadness and griefs. A good ‘Sense of Humour’ is not only best for you but it helps you to make others happy and spread happiness. However, we can’t uproot the sorrow from someone’s life but a single moment with a smile can lure them to achieve it for whole life.

This joky people surprisingly also have a day on its name that is International Joke Day that whole world celebrate on 1st July. It is not certain that the day was officially invented or not this but it is assumed that the day was invented by Wayne Reinagel of the USA in 1994, he once said: “I made this day July 1, because the year was officially half over and I then used it to promote my joke books”. History of jokes can be traced back to ancient Greece before the great Trojan War. Notably, world’s first comedy club was also opened in Greece around 350 B.C. There, people use to share jokes to spread happiness. Nowadays, these clubs used for a performance of comedians unlike the previous one.

The day is celebrated is spreading its roots in people’s lives as it gets celebrated in different ways. Now comedy is also a prestigious profession and many people are eager to accomplish their dream to become a great comedian. So, it's your day, pick the best joke of your’s and start your journey.

Though we don’t need joke day as if we want our every day happy by one or other medium. But as the day is here and we know about it lets share jokes with your family, friend and strangers too so that they will remind you to mark a happy curve on their face. 

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