Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi was found to be positive from Covid on 30 December 2021. Now the actress's report has come out negative. The actress has also shared the post and gave the good news to fans. Fans look very happy after hearing this news.
Nora shared the post and wrote, 'Hello friends, I have finally tested Negative. Thank you all for your prayers. Thank you to the people who sent me beautiful messages. It was a very difficult time for me. I'm going to be back to work soon because for that I'll have to gain my strength and energy first. I want to work strongly in this new year. May all of you be safe.' Fans are very fond of this post.
Speaking of the work front, Nora recently appeared in the music video 'Dance Meri Rani' with Guru Randhawa which was loved by fans. Also, Nora is going to be seen in the movie 'Thank You God' very soon. The actress' movie is slated to release in July.
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