Now get Reflection free photo through Windows by...?
Now get Reflection free photo through Windows by...?

Are you annoyed with taking photos through windows just because of light bounces off it and ruins the picture? If you are than don’t, because new tevhnoly arrived where scientists at MIT just developed new technology that could fix the pesky reflections.

Members of MIT's Medialab have expanded tech that disclose how long it takes flash to bounce back off nearby objects (like, say, a window) and objects that are farther away (your subject). Then, the team teased out those signals that illuminated only what they wanted to take a picture of.

The key here was a principle called the "Fourier transform"-an important signal processing phenomenon that breaks down separate frequencies within a signal. Using a modified Microsoft Kinect One camera.

The MIT team took a photo and separated its 45 frequencies, including signals that showed the flash's light hitting nearby objects, and light hitting objects farther away. This caused the many frequencies to arrive at the camera's sensor at slightly different times.

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