Now that a song is playing, YouTube Music automatically tracks the lyrics
Now that a song is playing, YouTube Music automatically tracks the lyrics

USA: Now that a song is playing, YouTube Music automatically tracks the lyrics. The audio streaming app will allow lyrics to be tracked in real time for any song that has been uploaded with lyrics. Each line of the lyrics will be highlighted when you call, and the Lyrics tab of the app will enlarge the text size for that line.

The world of music streaming is not entirely new to real-time lyrics. Popular streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music have had the feature for a while. It hasn't been present on YouTube Music, though.

YouTube Music on Android and iOS now includes real-time music tracking in addition to static, self-scrolling lyrics, which was previously only possible with Google's music streaming service.

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A Reddit post by user u/jadavilon on the r/YouTubeMusic forum highlighted the capability to track lyrics in real time. The new lyrics update is discussed in the post.

When a song is playing, YouTube Music will draw attention to the line that is currently being heard by changing the line's background colour to white at that precise moment.

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It's interesting to note that the text size (and line spacing) will increase when using the audio streaming app. Additionally, the lyrics will automatically scroll up at line changes.

Last year, Google partnered with Italian music data company MusixMatch to test real-time lyrics in the YouTube Music app for Google TV/Android TV.

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The feature is now finally available on Android and iOS following the previous rollout. However, the update that adds real-time lyrics has only been distributed to a small portion of users. In the upcoming weeks, a wider rollout is anticipated.

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