Oats face-pack for 'All Skin Type'
Oats face-pack for 'All Skin Type'

Every woman dreams to have a smooth and glowing skin, in an attempt to make the dream come true, we try almost all the skincare products available in the market. In this process, we are doing more harm to your skin than good.

1. Take 3 tsp of general Oats; combine with ½ tsp of honey and 1 tsp of raw milk. Mix them well and make a fine paste.

Apply on your face, leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. It’s a beautiful face pack for dry skin. You can also apply on your body before bath.

2. Take one tsp lemon juice adds with 4 tsp of oats. You can add little bit water for making paste. Apply over your face and neck. Leave it till dry.

Rinse with cold water. Tap to dry. Do it for a couple of week. If you have oily skin, it’s a best pack to get glowing face. Or you can apply tomato juice every day to reduce oil in your face.

3. Take two spoon of curd; add with 4 tsp of oats. Make a fine paste. If water is required, you can add.

Take little amount, massage in circular motion on your face and neck. Let it be till dry. Wash off with normal water.

It is a good face pack for normal skin. You can make more quantity of pack, apply it whole body 15 minutes before bath. You will get nourishing skin.


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