Oil Crisis: India steps up diplomacy to buy oil from Russian Far East
Oil Crisis: India steps up diplomacy to buy oil from Russian Far East

RUSSIA: India and Russia carry on to widen their partnership in the Arctic, deepening cooperation in high latitudes, both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

A delegation led by Nikolay Korchunov, Russia's Ambassador-at-Large for the Arctic Cooperation, and a group from India led by Sanjay Verma, Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs, had extensive discussions in Moscow last week about issues related to the Arctic.

The potential for expanding collaboration in the areas of economy, transportation, research, and culture, as well as links between regions and public organisations, was underlined by both parties.

A presentation on the investment potential of Russian areas will be made during the VII Eastern Economic Forum's Arctic segment in Vladivostok (September 5-8), and India has also been asked to participate.

Over 53% of the Arctic Ocean's coastline is covered by Russia, which is expected to become the country's main route to India in the next decades. Russia also has the Arctic Council leadership (2021–2023).

Representatives from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, Rosatom State Corporation, and the Association of Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia, and the Far East of the Russian Federation also participated in the consultations.

The potential for expanding collaboration in the areas of economy, transportation, research, and culture, as well as links between regions and public organisations, was underlined by both parties.

India has also been invited to participate in the Arctic segment of the VII Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok (Sept 5-8) which will include a presentation of the investment potential of Russian regions.

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