Old age home related to Amitabh Bachchan came in controversies
Old age home related to Amitabh Bachchan came in controversies

In South Africa, an old age home being run to help the elderly has been mired in controversies due to the disregard of lockdown rules. Let us know that Amitabh Bachchan, the great hero of the century, helps in raising funds from all over the world for this old age home running for the elderly of Indian origin. The name of this old age home is Aryan Benevolent Home (ABH) and it was started hundred years ago.

For your information, let us tell you that ABH Chief Executive Officer Puttudin and construction contractor Roshan Laxman were arrested by the police for not having the necessary permission to build the Kovid-19 isolation ward in the Chatsworth home of the elderly. is.

Amidst the lockdown, the police reached the same time as a 24-bed ward was being prepared in view of the possibility of infection spreading from ABH to this center. Police have alleged that permission was not taken for this construction and it is a violation of the rules of lockdown issued across the country. At the same, Laxman told the website 'Independent Online' that he and Puttundin had valid documents to work during the lockdown, which the police refused to accept as lawful. They told that they, including all the laborers, took them to the police station and all were kept in a verandah. While keeping here, the police did not even take into consideration the physical distance.

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