Ombre Lipstick Shades are the recent trend!
Ombre Lipstick Shades are the recent trend!

If you are aware of the beauty and makeup trends, you will be aware of the new look of the lipsticks. You may know that you can use Ombre not only for hair but also for lipsticks. In Ombre, you need two-tone to apply a darker coat to boost the colour of your lipstick. These are in great trend nowadays. If you also want to try something new, try Ombre Lipstick.

After a dark undercoat, apply a light shade on the lower lip and contrast with another colour on the upper lip. Using Ombre daily can be a boon for you, but there is no better option for a particular day or party.

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For Fuller Lips
Ombre adds dimension to your lips and makes the lipsticks fuller. From Fading to Petal Pink, one should select Deep Orange from Magenta or Fading to Tangerine. You should use the light colour on your lips and then apply dark colour on the outer edges.

To draw attention to pout
Dark lip liners have always been a beautiful form. This trick is to use two identical lipstick shades and mix them together. Then give the outer lipsticks a bright colour, such as a red shade on the pink and the inner lipsticks. You can also try this look with brick and burgundy colours.

For Outline Look
Apply two mix colours on both your upper and lower lips to focus on the pout. First, apply the base colour on the lips and then another colour between the upper and lower lips for the dimensional finish.

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