OMG! Something that came out of the elderly's bag that surprised everyone
OMG! Something that came out of the elderly's bag that surprised everyone

Every day there is some news on social media that we are also surprised to hear. Most of the such news comes out from abroad. Just recently, another case has surfaced which is a bit strange. Let's know what this news is about him. In fact, a similar sentence has surfaced in China that has happened at the airport. You know that even at the airport, we and our luggage are checked first, only then we are allowed inside. But at the same time, if someone is caught, he can also be punished.

In the recent news, the airport staff was also surprised that a lot of cockroaches were found in a passenger's bag. Yes, it is a little strange but true. These cockroaches came out of an elderly couple's bag at the airport, which shocked everyone present there. When the security officer at Baiyun International Airport in Guangdong province examined  the couple's bag with an X-ray machine, hundreds of live cockroaches were found in the baggage, the report said.

"They were carrying a bucket, but when their belongings were checked in the X-ray machine, they were spotted," the security official was quoted as saying by the report. These cockroaches are mixed and applied on the skin, he said, but refused to divulge full details.

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