Learn how girls make boys friends and partners on Friendship Day
Learn how girls make boys friends and partners on Friendship Day

The most beautiful relationship in the world is considered to be friendship. This relationship is free from any bond and is maintained without any conditions. Friendship Day is celebrated in India every year on 4 August, the purpose of which is to promote friendship. Friendship is not only between the same sex, boys and girls can also become good friends.

How girls make boys their friends and partners

When a girl makes a boy her friend or partner, she keeps many things in mind. Here we will know what qualities girls look for in boys and how they choose a boyfriend.

Emotional qualities are more important than looks

According to relationship counselors, when girls make a boy their boyfriend, they do look at his looks and clothes, but they give more importance to his emotional qualities. The boy's behavior, his understanding and sensitivity, all these things are important.

I don't want a hero, I want a true friend

Often boys think that they can win a girl's heart by becoming a hero like in the movies, but the reality is different. Research at Byulya University in America has found that boys try to impress girls by creating their image like in the movies, which can sometimes cause problems in the relationship. Girls in reality look for a true friend who understands and respects their feelings.

Funny boys are more liked

In 2023, two professors from Singapore Management University conducted a study on 108 couples. This study found that girls find funny and cheerful boys more attractive. Funny boys make their relationship fun and such relationships are likely to last longer.

The importance of emotional maturity

According to the report of the American Psychological Association, girls prefer emotional maturity in their boyfriends. They like a boy who does not lose his temper on small things, takes decisions wisely, and fulfills the responsibilities of the relationship properly. Emotional maturity means that the boy knows the boundaries of the relationship and maintains restraint in every situation. On Friendship Day, it is important to know what qualities girls look for in boys and how they choose their friends and partners. Apart from looks and style, things like emotional qualities, true friendship, humorous nature, and emotional maturity are important. If you adopt these qualities, then the chances of not only friendship but also a successful relationship can increase.

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