OnePlus 6 smartphones were launched in India in May. Along with this, the company had also launched OnePlus 6 Marvel Avengers Limited Edition which was equipped with 8 GB RAM and 256 GB of storage. However, this special edition handset was made available in limited numbers and it became out of stock within a few days after the launch.
During the launch, the company did not bring the 8GB RAM and 256 GB storage version of Regular Midnight Black Variant of OnePlus 6. During this time, the company had said that there was no plan to launch this variant in the Indian market. It seems that the company has made changes in its strategy. OnePlus has informed about making this highly powerful variant available in the market. If seen, this smartphone is cheaper than OnePlus 6 Marvel Avengers Limited Edition model.
OnePlus India said, "In view of the positive response to OnePlus 6 Marvel Avengers Limited Edition, OnePlus has decided to bring a new variant of OnePlus 6 for its fans, 256 GB variants have been very popular in the global market and In the Indian market, it has become very popular in less time."
OnePlus 6 Midnight Black 8GB Ram / 256GB Storage Variant will be available in India for Rs. 43,999. Its sale will begin on July 10 from Amazon India. The Powerful Midnight Black Variants of OnePlus 6 will be sold in the OnePlus website and offline channels from July 14. Apart from this, the Notify tab has been activated on so that interested customers can keep an eye on the availability of the phone. The interesting thing is that the price of this variant has been kept lower than Rs. 44,999 from the Marvel Avengers Edition of Rs. 1,000.
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