Private sector going to operate Indian Railways
Private sector going to operate Indian Railways

The statement of Railway Board Chairman Vinod Kumar Yadav has come out. In which the speculations about private participation have been dismissed. Explain that passenger fares in private trains run by Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in the country will be expensive. With this, he said that only 5 percent of the additional trains are being given to private operators. Railways will operate the remaining 95 trains.

In his statement, Vinod Kumar Yadav said that now is the time of competition, in such a way that private train operators cannot fix any travel fare, which is more in terms of AC buses and aeroplanes. He hoped that by April 2023, private trains would start running in the country. While talking to the media in Delhi, Yadav made it clear that only 5 percent of the additional trains are being run by private operators and the remaining 95 trains will be operated by the Railways. He said we are making efforts, to use state-of-the-art coaches in railways also. He made it clear that Indian Railways will be responsible for the safety and security of railways, as well as the drivers and guards in these private trains. Only the private operator will see the operation of the coach.

Apart from this, Yadav said that in the last 70 years, structural development in the railways was ignored, as much has been given in the last 6 years. He said, 13.3 percent reservation could not be confirmed yet. We are trying to get everyone a train berth. According to an estimate, in 2019, 8.4 crore passengers travelled by train. In 2030, this figure is likely to be 13 crores, while by 2040, 18 crore people will travel by train. It is necessary to make infrastructural development and necessary arrangements in the railways.

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