Is coronavirus a wonder of Allah? Pakistani minister replied
Is coronavirus a wonder of Allah? Pakistani minister replied

Islamabad: Pakistan's Minister of Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhary says that the outbreak of dogma (dogma and lack of information) of fundamentalist religious elements led to an epidemic of coronavirus in Pakistan. Chaudhary has expressed his anger towards these elements by tweeting. It is noteworthy that even after the chief Mufti of Egypt's famous Al-Azhar University supported the fatwa and the appeal of all people including the President in support of the prohibition on mass prayers due to Corona, the Pakistani ulema has said that other prayers should be read in homes, but in mosques the prayer Namaz will be recited collectively.

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Some groups are also seen doing religious propaganda in the midst of this epidemic. Fawad Chaudhary said in his tweet, 'This (hardcore religious element) tells us that Corona is the wonder of Allah, so do it. Whereas, the reality is that the greatest wonder is the Jahatat which is riding on our ends in their (fanatical religious element) appearance. The Ulema, who know knowledge and practice it, is a boon to Allah, which we should appreciate. '

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The Pakistani minister said in a series of angry tweets that giving Zahil a scholar status is a big disaster. He said that health researchers are currently conducting 66 researches all over the world to deal with the coronavirus, including Pakistanis.

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