New Delhi: Pankaj Advani, known as the Snooker King of India, has won the 23rd World Title so far. Along with this, he also received the World Team Snooker title along with Aditya Mehta. Pankaj has won many titles for the country so far. When he got some free time from the tournament, he saw Shahid Kapoor's film Kabir Singh and also praised it on Twitter. However, RJ Raunak of Delhi questioned his tweet, which Pankaj Advani surprised everyone by answering. Pankaj had tweeted, "I just saw the film Kabir Singh, Shahid Kapoor has done a fantastic job. Everyone should watch".
After this RJ Raunak tweeted and asked him how he was so late to see this film. Pankaj gave an interesting answer to his question. He said that "he was a little busy winning gold for his country". His tweet was well received by the people and even RJ Raunak admired him. Raunak wrote in reply, "Great, the film proved to be gold at the box office but your gold is more important than that. You have recently won the world title and the whole country is proud of you".
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