Recently, actress Payal Ghosh has made some such revelations that have been shocking. Yes, he has accused Bollywood filmmaker Anurag Kashyap of trying to molest her. Now in the meantime, according to the news, she is going to file a case against Anurag soon. As per the information received, Payal's lawyer Nitin Satpute is going to visit the Oshiwara police station in Mumbai to file a case against filmmaker Anurag Kashyap.
You may be aware that in the past, actress Payal Ghosh has alleged that filmmaker Anurag Kashyap once tried to molest her. Not only this but he said that Anurag had taken off clothes in front of him and tried to get intimate. Let us tell you that now this issue has also arisen in the Lok Sabha.
The Lok Sabha proceedings continued till 1 pm last night during which the matter of Anurag Kashyap was raised in Parliament by Ravi Kishan, MP from Gorakhpur. During this time, Ravi addressed Anurag Kashyap without saying anonymously and said, "Our daughters in the country are praised like Goddess Durga, but there are some people in Bollywood who make deals by making promises of shining their luck." Apart from this, the BJP MP demanded stringent legislation on this issue. Now talk about Anurag, he has described these allegations as false and malicious.
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