People of this number are very lucky
People of this number are very lucky

A new week has started from 26th August and this is the middle week of September. If you want to know for which natives this week will prove to be very special and lucky, then this news is for you. Let's know about those natives whose luck can shine this week.

Root number 1 

This week everything will be good for people with number 1. Your love relationship will be great and you will get happiness. This time will be good for students who are preparing for exams. People preparing for government jobs may get a golden opportunity this week. Health will also be good, do yoga and meditation.

Remedy: Chant “Om Bhaskaray Namah” 19 times daily.

Root number 3

This week will be very good for people with number 3. There will be happiness and peace between you and your love partner. Your hard work will pay off in the workplace and you may also get rewarded. For those doing business, this may be the time to get new contracts.

Remedy: Chant “Om Brim Brihaspatye Namah” 21 times daily.

Root number 4

This week will be exciting for people with number 4. Love life will be full of romance. You will be busy with work this week and can work on a new project, which will bring great success in the future. Be cautious and take care of your health.

Remedy: Chant “Om Durgaya Namah” 22 times daily.

Root number 5 

This week will be great for people with number 5. Your relationship with your love partner will become even stronger. Your performance at the workplace will be commendable and you will prove to be the best in every task.

Remedy: Chant “Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay” 41 times daily.

Root number 9 

This week will prove to be very lucky for people with number 9. Whatever work you think of doing, you will complete it. Your love relationship will strengthen and you will be able to understand each other better. You will be dedicated towards work and your health will also be excellent. This week you will feel more energetic.

Remedy: Be dedicated to your work this week and take out some time daily for yoga and meditation.

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