People Trolling on Milind Soman dating 18-years-old Ankita Konwar. But why?
People Trolling on Milind Soman dating 18-years-old Ankita Konwar. But why?

Love has no limit and it also doesn't see the age. The exact same thing happens with the Bollywood and model Milind Soman. There is something that we always find time for introducing into other people's personal lives. Thanks to social media, our newly conquered field of free expression, there are a lot of people out there who do not miss a single chance to assert their opinion about others.

Image result for GIF Milind soman and his gf

A popular breed of such people are the infamous trolls that have now populated the social-media platforms. Their favorite pass-time? Hunting people down, to teach them lessons on ''morality.''

Image result for GIF Milind soman and his gf

Their common targets are celebrities, of course, judging them for what they say, eat, wear or for the people they hang out with. A fresh target for this sport of trolling is Milind Soman.

Image result for GIF Milind soman and his gf

It all started when Milind Soman chose to fall in love with a girl, who is reportedly half his age. Hailing from Assam, Ankita Konwar is an air hostess. Perhaps, Milind could have saved himself the unnecessary botheration, had he not posted pictures of them together on social media.

But then, one realizes that most of us do post pictures of ourselves with our friends and loved ones, and the actor did the same. And he has the same right to free expression on social media that we all do, right? However, Milind's open declaration of his love did not go down well with many people. A lot of them took to social media to shame the actor and supermodel, for dating such a young woman who is 33 years younger to him.

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