Put all your pencil colors together and try this amazing photorealistic drawing
Put all your pencil colors together and try this amazing photorealistic drawing

If you love your work, you will never lose your patience while doing it, just because you want it to be the best and unique one. Whatever may be the situation, you work can soothe your mood

Artists always express their feelings in their art, not only feelings but also, their ideology, their thoughts, and their wishes. You will observe a major difference in the way artists expresses his idea and a normal person does, they always relate the main theme with their favorite subjects like nature, nature's object or something else, but a normal person will directly elucidate it in his words.

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Here an artist named Jennifer De Boer loves to create photorealistic drawings, which involves the subject of models with their unique expression. 
Here are some of the stunning models which are portrayed by Jennifer, she highlighted their stunning expression with the help of her magical color pencils. 

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