PhotoScan, editing tools of Photos app is the new treat for Android Users by Google
PhotoScan, editing tools of Photos app is the new treat for Android Users by Google

Google’s new app PhotoScan is now available on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store. This PhotoScan app keeps the record of user’s old photo prints to help users.  This App is recently launched by the Google.  Users just have to click a photo of a printed photo with this app and save them in the app. Some basic required features of this app can automatically do detection of edges, straighten them, and rotate them to correct an orientation. It also removes glares by stitching multiple images together to display a clearer picture.

You can save your scanned photo in high quality with this app, according to the Google. This PhotoScan app support images up to 22MB with Android versions 5.0 Lollipop and higher. One the iOS front, it weighs 65.9MB and is supports iOS versions 8.1 and later. With PhotoScan three new editing tools as well introduced by Google with in its Photos app. These updates will come up on all three platforms Android, iOS and web version.

"Today we're rolling out three easy ways to get great looking photos in Google Photos: a new and improved auto enhance, unique new looks, and advanced editing tools," says Jingyu Cui, software engineer, Google Photos in the company blog post.

In new Auto Enhancer there are 13 filters present like Automotive, Palma and Metro etc. These filters edits your photo overall with the combination of Brightness, warmth, saturation and darkness. As per the firm, all filters use machine intelligence. An additional Auto mode is used to see instant enhancements made, such as balancing exposure, and saturation to bring out further details.

Hoping these updates will enhance your photography experience too.

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