Plastic bags are made of Potato & Tapioca By EnviGreen Company
Plastic bags are made of Potato & Tapioca By EnviGreen Company

The partial or total ban on plastic bags in several Indian cities is often lauded as a welcome move by most people. There were many problems faced by ordinary citizens that disturbed Ashwath Hegde, a Mangalore-born but now Qatar-based NRI entrepreneur. He came up with the idea for the problem of using plastic bag after researching the problem for about four years.

Ashwath founded EnviGreen - a company that produces 100% organic, biodegradable, and eco-friendly bags. They look like plastic bags but are made of materials like natural starch and vegetable oil derivatives.

All raw materials are first converted into liquid form and then taken through a six-step procedure before the end product is ready.

To prove his point, Ashwath has even consumed a bag after boiling it in water to show that it is edible.

Once available in our country for use, EnviGreen will not just help to ease this problem but also help many consumers struggling to find a balance between their concern for the environment. 

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