A live telecast of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech can be seen on August 15 on Youtube. On Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the country from the Red Fort and on this occasion, live telecast of PM's speech on Google and YouTube can also be seen.
Public broadcaster Prasar Bharti has tied up with Google and YouTube to increase its spread in the digital sector. The Independence Day program will be live streaming on Google and YouTube. This will appear on the search engine's homepage. This program is being launched to reach the maximum number of people. Please tell that it is already considered among the most visited programs. Google first made this broadcast of the inauguration ceremony of President Donald Trump.
Prasar Bharti CEO Shashi Shekhar Vempati said, "We are constantly making several efforts to make our move in the digital world. In this direction, it has been decided that live broadcast of the Independence Day program on Google and YouTube has been decided."
Doordarshan too has made special arrangements for the speech coverage of Prime Minister Modi. Doordarshan's anchors and high-definition 22 cameras will be installed on the Red Fort. 4 such cameras will be installed on Rajghat for coverage of the program. Doordarshan will translate Prime Minister Modi's speech into 20 regional languages. This telecast will be done on August 15th later. Shankar Mahadevan's song will also be telecasted, Shankar's song is based on the meaning of freedom.
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