Preity Zinta is all set marry with Gene Godenough
Preity Zinta is all set  marry with Gene Godenough

Looks like 2016 is the destination year for celebrities marriage. After Asin and Rahul, Harbhajan and Geeta Basra marriage now rumors is in air that Preity Zinta is next to tie the knot to her long time boyfriend Gene Goodenough. Dimple girl Preity Zinta is stayed away from glamour screen for a while, but now she is back in the news again but this time is about her wedding.

Zinta’s spokesperson confirmed the news about her marriage with her boyfriend and also revealed that the actress will be auctioning her wedding pictures for charity. Gene has been her friend for a long time.

Gene Goodenough is the senior vice president of a US based company and based in LA.  The couple has decided to auctioning their private marriage pictures and proceeds generated out of these will go towards the Preity Zinta foundation. Preity Zinta works for educating children and old age home rehabilitation. Preity who is involved in many charitable activities but has never spoke about it. However, the couple has decided to keep their marriage private and celebrate this blissful moment in their lives by giving back to society in their own way.

The sources said that the couple has plans to set their wedding into two different ceremonies one will be white wedding and second would be big Indian Rajput style. Meanwhile, Preity is also planning to organize a lavish reception in Mumbai where her friend will be invited to celebrate the occasion. Well, the date have not been decided but the it has to be at end of March-April.

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