Why Trump do not want complete lockdown?
Why Trump do not want complete lockdown?

The influence of coronavirus in America is increasing continuously towards other countries of the world. There is partial lockdown, but experts believe that if the lockdown is not done completely, then the situation here can be uncontrollable like China. The US President is not in the right to declare the lockdown completely in the country. After China, Korea, Iran, Italy including Spain, Europe and America are strongly affected by it. This is the reason why Tom Inglesby, director of the John Hopkins Center for Health Security, is not embracing the US President's decision not to do a national lockdown. He warns that if a ban is not announced in the US soon, the pace of this outbreak of Corona will be so fast that the medical services of the country will not be able to handle it. Lakhs of people can die in the country.

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According to foreign media, there has been a consensus among the Trump administration and US lawmakers that a $ 2 trillion package will be given to save the economy from the vicious cycle of this epidemic. Significantly, due to this virus, there is a serious economic crisis in the whole world. All the financial institutions of the world have expressed the possibility that the world's GDP may decline due to this.

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On this matter, President Trump said that the doctors want everything to be stopped, which is not possible under any circumstances. However, he has definitely agreed to consider the principles of social distancing. He has also told the people that soon America will re-open for business. As the outbreak of this epidemic has stopped travelers coming from outside, but Trump hopes that everything will be right soon. In America, the vaccine made for the treatment of this virus is being tested on humans. However, it will take time to become effective and come out in front of the world. Experts say that it may take up to one and a half years. During a White House press briefing, President Trump has indicated that he supports a general resumption.

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