Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged overnight for this reason
Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged overnight for this reason

In any country, the rank of Prime Minister and President is much larger than all other positions. The man thinks more than 100 times before any accusation is put on him. But there is a Prime Minister in Pakistan who was hanged. You will be surprised to know that this person had also been the President of Pakistan before becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The name of this former President and Prime Minister of Pakistan is Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. He was the President of Pakistan from 20 December 1971 to 13 August 1973. After this, he held the post of Prime Minister of the country from 14 August 1973 to 5 July 1977.

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Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was considered to be one of the most powerful leaders of Pakistan. In 1977 the army was overthrown under the leadership of then Pakistan Army Chief General Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq. After this, on 3 September 1977, he was arrested. He was accused of killing the opposition leader. However, he himself always denied that he was involved in the murder.

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On 18 March 1978, the biggest decision of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's life came and the Lahore High Court sentenced him to death. He spent the last time of his life in Rawalpindi Jail. From this, he also appealed against the verdict in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, but his appeal was rejected by the court. He was hanged at Rawalpindi Jail on the night of three April 1979 at two to four minutes. Although the punishment for hanging is usually done in the morning, but this hanging was given at night. He hung on the noose for about half an hour. After this, the doctor examined Bhutto and declared him dead. Then his body was taken down and then preparations were started to bury him. When Zulfiqar was imprisoned, Colonel Rafiuddin, who was an intelligence officer in Rawalpindi Jail, has written a book called 'The last 323 days of Bhutto'. In this book, he has written that shortly after being hanged, a photographer of Pakistan's intelligence agency photographed his private parts. This photo was taken so that it could be confirmed that Bhutto was not circumcised by Islamic customs. However, later this suspicion of Pakistani administration was dispelled.

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