Prince Harry Granted Appeal in UK Security Funding Dispute, All You Need To Know
Prince Harry Granted Appeal in UK Security Funding Dispute, All You Need To Know

Prince Harry has been given permission to appeal against the British government’s decision to deny him publicly funded police protection in the UK. The Court of Appeal granted the Duke of Sussex the go-ahead to challenge a ruling made earlier this year in the High Court. Although permission was granted in May, it was reported on Thursday.

Judge Peter Lane had previously ruled in February that the government's decision to provide "bespoke" security on an as-needed basis, following Harry's departure as a working member of the royal family, was not unlawful, irrational, or unjustified. He wrote, "Insofar as the case-by-case approach may otherwise have caused difficulties, they have not been shown to be such as to overcome the high hurdle so as to render the decision-making irrational."

The legal battle began over four years ago when Prince Harry first contested the panel’s decision, arguing that he and his family require an armed security detail due to threats on social media and relentless media scrutiny directed towards him and his wife, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

Prince Harry, 39, the younger son of King Charles III, has taken unconventional steps against the royal family by challenging the government in court and filing lawsuits against tabloid press. He achieved a significant victory in December when a judge found widespread and habitual phone hacking at Mirror Group Newspapers. He still has two ongoing cases against the publishers of The Sun and Daily Mail.

The security case seemed to have reached an impasse after the High Court rejected his initial appeal against Lane’s decision in April. However, Justice David Bean of the Court of Appeal stated on May 23 that Prince Harry could indeed challenge the lower court's decision.

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