Bollywood actor Preeti Zhangiani has turned 39 on August 18. The actress has celebrated her birthday with husband Pravin Dabas and went to dinner with her husband. A photo of the birthday celebration has also been shared by Pravin Dabas wishing Preeti a happy birthday.
Praveen has also given A lot of roses and cards to Preeti on her birthday, which is being photographed on social media. Actress Preeti also shared a video of her being sent by one of her fans.
Mohabbats girl Preeti Zhangyi has already disappeared from the film industry. 19 years ago, she was launched from the blockbuster film Mohabbatain in 2000. The beauty of Adkara Preeti Zhangyi was also noticed and her admiration in the film was also high. She was then seen in some other films as well. Pere was born on August 18, 1980 in the Sindhi family of Mumbai. Preeti was first seen with Actor Abbas in Rajshree Production's music album 'Ye Hai Prem'.
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