Wink girl Priya Prakash Varrier is again making headlines for her debut Bollywood film Sridevi Bungalow. Recently released video clip which introduces Priya’s character of a lonely actress who apparently dies after drowning in a bathtub is similar to how legendary actress Sridevi passed away last year in February. Priya and filmmakers received the flakes for this and even the late actress’ husband Boney Kapoor slapped a legal notice on the film. Priya, however, has said that the film had no relation to Sridevi and that only her character was named after her.
Clarifying that Sridevi is just name of her character in the movie, Priya told The Times of India Sridevi is just the name of her character in the movie. She said, " I think the curiosity surrounding the trailer is good and we have to leave it to the audience to judge if the film is based on the veteran actress Sridevi ma’am.
Sridevi Bungalow director Prashant Mambully also defended the film saying that it was just a coincidence. He told the leading daily, “In the notice, Boney Kapoor has raised a few objections against our film including the usage of the name and doing a biopic of the actress. He further added that he wanted us to alter the name of our movie within 24 hours. We sent him a reply explaining that Sridevi was a common name and there was no logic in objecting to it.